ET Rail Flaw Detector

auto testing
Fam TEch

ETS2 -77

Eddy current method application at the active face control and the rolling surfaces of the rails allows to perform not only evaluation of the vertical damage depth but the localization of the areas with surface marks, such as:

  • transversal fatigue cracks (International Defect Code (UIC) 211)
  • quenching cracks (International Defect Code (UIC) 2223)
  • active face delamination (International Defect Code (UIC) 2222)
  • wheels sliding areas (International Defect Code (UIC) 225)
  • Performing the rail head vertical damage evaluation enables to decide if the grinding machines application is actual, or whether the damaged area replace shall be provided. This allows to significantly cut the time and financial expenditure. APPLICATION:
  • possibility to control the rail track and the track switch
  • selective control of the separate rail track areas
  • post grinding machines control
  • all main rail profiles controlР50, Р60, 49E1, UIC 60 and others